Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wide Angle Lens

I had one of those moments this morning as I was praying where you feel like God jerks you out of the present and suddenly the wide angle lens is put on your mind and your looking down at the big picture . . .

As I'm seeing this picture, I'm thinking, 'Wow, it's almost March 2008 . . . Emily's nearly done with her Freshman year of college . . . The twins are nearly Juniors in HS . . . Luke's almost 14!'

One thing I notice when my mind gets drawn towards this larger time/space continuum is that 2 things come into focus: 1) what I'm doing for the Kingdom of God 2) my family
All the other details fade . . .

And I notice that too much of the time I keep the telephoto lens on and miss the big picture. Help me Lord. Help us Lord, to keep the main things the main things.