Saturday, July 5, 2008

Save SEPTEMBER 20th!!

Creekers I'm asking you to mark Saturday, September 20th on your calendars --- and set aside that day!

On September 20, 2008 we're going to be having an Easter Festival size Catalytic Event that begins as we connect with and bless our community!

But it's gonna be even more than that . . . Per Websters something that is 'catalytic' causes or accelerates a change by the addition of a catalyst.

This event is going to be catalyzing because we are also going to begin a powerful new series that weekend in Celebration . . . AND we are going to be kicking off many new Life Groups and asking EVERYONE to be in a group for that 40-day season!

So set aside the day and begin to pray with us as we seek God's vision for this Fall!

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