Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Slow Down . . .

We had a great time spending a couple of days without internet and cable, etc at Lake Corpus Christi. Just playing games, watching movies, eating, hanging out and sleeping (a lot!) .

The highlight was probably just watching our kids play - haven't seen that in a while when we were all together with no distractions.

It was just like old times here as the girls roped poor Luke into some kind of cheerleading game! (But I think he secretly loves the attention!)

Praise God for my family. They grow up so quickly . . . .

What did your family do for Christmas?

1 comment:

Pam Teel said...

Two highlights of our Christmas: 1) Providing Christmas for 3 foster childeren; 2) Having all six grandbabies (and their parents) and my mother-in-law in our house for Christmas day.