Thursday, February 19, 2009

Confessional Friends

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results." James 5:16

I touched on this on Sunday, but we don't practice enough of it. We don't talk honestly and openly enough about those things that keep us from God.

But when we do several things happen. First, there is something powerfully healing that happens when people confess their sins to one another in an authentic way. It's out of the darkness and into the light! You've cut off it's source of life.

Secondly, there is bonding into strands of our lives. New trust levels are entered into and friendships are allowed to go beyond what's on the surface. We are truly able to pray into one another's lives and not just at one another's lives.

Thirdly, confession creates covenant. When we voice our disdain over something in our life we are saying: 'This is who I am and I want to change!' We create this covenant with the other person of desiring to move nearer to God.

How about you . . . How have you seen confession bring great power and wonderful results??

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