Another week of Soul Journey and another week of great expressions of the journey by Oso Creek artists . . . These are
from the week after we talked about forgiving/confessing relationships . . . "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Eph 4:32
Lisa R's is the fish (she was already thinking about freedom!); Trevor' is below; and Erin R's the man by the lake.
I was struck this week by the diverse ways that God expresses Himself through us. Great job!
You can share your journey at
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Great Soul Art . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:16 AM
Labels: Art, Soul Journey
Friday, February 27, 2009
A friend of mine had a Chuck Norris post today and I copied it to give you some light reading to go into the weekend. I've been a fan of Walker, Texas Ranger for quite some time (And btw, it makes me sick to think that sometimes now when people refer to 'Chuck' they're talking about that lame, wimpy dude on tv now! huh?) . . . I used to think for sure that Chuck Norris was the baddest dude in the world, but now I'm not sure if its him or Jack Bauer.
But anyways her are some little known Chuck Norris FACTS:
Chuck Norris has counted to infinity...twice!
When the bogeyman goes to sleep at night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once ordered a Big Mac at Burger King...and got it.
Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.
Chuck Norris can win a game of connect four in three moves.
If Chuck Norris were President we wouldn't need a military.
Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.
When Chuck Norris falls in water he doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
3:05 PM
Labels: Chuck Norris
Oso Creek Economy
We keep hearing over and over how hard times are economically. No doubt that our economic times have changed.
But more than a time for panic, it is a time to thank God for incredible opportunity!
In Luke 21 Jesus is telling about a time when there will be wars and revolutions and famines and earthquakes and fearful events and persecution . . . and then He says: "This will be your opportunity to tell them about me." (Luke 21:13)
Now, I don't know if this is THAT time . . . but it's THIS time - a time of fear and panic in our world - and a time for us to rise up as those who care for the poor and widows and marginalized.
At Oso Creek we have felt some economic slowdown. Why, I'm not exactly sure. But I want to be honest with you about the numbers -- Our regular budget through February was $62,500 and giving was $39,656. That's 37% below our budget.
But you know what, we DO NOT believe that God wants us to back down from giving ourselves away in great ways. Yes, beginning in March we are taking some stop gap measures to curtail some spending. We are seeking to be wise in every way possible, but still pressing on in being 'on mission.'
Will you go with us? We are looking harder than ever to find ways to impact our community and world with good deeds and Great News about Jesus. Don't miss it! Generously join us in making the most of every opportunity!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:19 AM
Labels: economy, following Jesus, Luke 21, On Mission
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tonight . . .
I spent the evening at the Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center 20th Anniversary Celebration.
I was there because one of our ladies - Michelle Needham - is on mission! She is serving the center and loving ladies in pregnancies who need Jesus. And I think she is going to influence lots of other Creekers to be on mission with her at the center!
And the center is blessing our community in an incredible way - having served over 25,000 ladies since it's inception. Hundreds of those ladies have not only found hope in their pregnancies, but have also given their lives to Jesus!
I hope that we'll find more ways as a church to partner with them.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
9:52 PM
Labels: Corpus Christi Pregnancy Resource Center, Michelle Needham
Journeying On . . . .
There's some great posting going on at ocjourney this week!
What's God been doing in your life on the beeps?
I'd love to hear, especially from some of you guys, how you are journeying with Jesus!
Click here to go to and let us know . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
3:15 PM
Labels: 60/60, Soul Journey
Missio Dei and 'The Church'
If someone asked you, 'What is church?' How would you answer (or probably a truer depiction, 'What would you think of first?'). Would you say: 9 or 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. Would you point to an address or a building.
As I said in the previous missio post's (you can check out the last one by clicking here) --- missio dei describes the Sending God. Not just a function, but who He is. And what He is doing.
And a local 'church' is not a place or a meeting or a time - it is simply a community expression of Christ in the world.
And yet it's so easy - and subtle - for us as a 'church' to become inward focused. And instead of being the sent, we become the stagnant and content. Hey instead of worrying about all the crud 'out there', let's be sure that we have new carpet for our rooms and nice chairs and plenty of space to be comfortable. It happens. And yes, it's been happening to us in small, incremental ways.
One person put it this way: "The issue is that the church has become a refuge from the world rather than a force in the world." Yes!
Too much of the time we go to 'church' with the mindset that we are consumers of what will satisfy us, instead of conquerors. I hear it all the time from church shoppers: 'We are looking for a church that meets our need for _________.'
And before long instead of being 'On Mission' we settle for just supporting a missions program.
We must pray for it. We must fight for it. We must live for it. It's about all of us - one at a time and together as a body - seeking how we influence our world with the Good News and good deeds of Christ.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:52 AM
Labels: following Jesus, Missio Dei, On Mission
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ash Wednesday
Today marks the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance. I think it's an awesome reminder of the repentant heart that we continuously need.
The act of putting ashes on your forehead echoes the ancient biblical tradition of dressing in sackcloth and ashes as a sign of repentance to God.
When the Priest places the ashes on the worshipper he says: "Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return."
Ash Wednesday begins this entire lenten season of repentance and reflection to help prepare for Easter and the coming of Christ.
I need those reminders in my life. How we must continually seek that replacement of the old with the new in our souls. That's what we're seeking to do with 60/60 . . . Asking God, 'What is it that you desire to replace in my life?' 'What's your heart for me?' 'How can I follow You?'
I've never been to an Ash Wednesday service but I'm planning on going to one today. Any suggestions? I'll let you know how it goes. . .
How are you replacing the old with the new today?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
9:27 AM
Labels: 60/60, Ash Wednesday, repentant
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mon . . . Tue . . .
Wow, already Tue night! Been a loooooong couple of days . . .
What a great Sunday we had . . . many of you have asked about video from the incredible drama on Sunday (way to go Jacob & Rebecca!!) . . . Don't have video from ours, but do have video from another church . . .
Click here to check it out . . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
11:08 PM
Labels: Celebration, drama
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Don't miss tomorrow Creekers . . . and by that I mean don't miss the opportunity to bring someone around you who needs freedom! Someone who you are on mission with . . .
It's going to be an awesome Sunday and we've got a great drama that will capture the heart of the hope we have in Jesus!
Pray for God's power to be unleashed!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:58 AM
Labels: Celebration
Missio Dei ---- Where?
"I know this now. Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing yet they give their lives to that little or nothing. One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. And then it's gone. But to sacrifice what you are and live without belief, that's more terrible than dying." (Joan of Arc)
I posted about Missio Dei a couple of days ago (click here to see the post) . . . saying that the term correctly describes God as a sender and that as followers of Christ we are His sent ones.
I ended by saying that we don't need any more members, we need missionaries. We need people who believe God and who live sent lives!
Church doesn't happen in a building. Church happens as God's power is lived out through us moment by moment, day by day. One pastor in Colorado described his church as 'a group of transformed people, transforming people.' That's it!
So, WHERE? If I'm going to be a missionary, where am I 'On Mission'?
I don't know. Where are you? Because that's where? Anywhere and everywhere.
A 'sent one' understands that they don't own or rent a home on a street just to live in it and build equity. But they have been sent by God to a neighborhood for the purpose of loving and serving their neighbors in the name of Jesus.
You don't go to HEB to buy groceries. You're a follower of Jesus looking for opportunities to spread the virus of the Kingdom, and you happen to be in a grocery store.
You're not an accountant or a teacher or a pilot . . . You're a follower of Jesus disguised as an accountant or teacher or a pilot or . . . .
You see being 'On Mission' isn't so much WHERE we are . . . but WHO we are. It's giving our life to the One who was sent for us.
Who are you?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:28 AM
Labels: Joan of Arc, Missio Dei, On Mission
Friday, February 20, 2009
Grandpa & Grandma Lawley!
Congrats to our Children's Pastor Audie (& her husband Tim) as they became grandparents for the first time today!
Lily Austen Rerecich blessed their daughter Lindsay and her husband Matt earlier this morning in Washington DC.
Wow, man grandparents!! I don't even want to think about becoming a grandparent :) At least not yet . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:14 PM
Labels: Audie Lawley, babies, Matt and Lindsay Rerecich, Tim Lawley
Broke Week
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die . . ." Eccles. 3:1-2
Man, what's up . . . Everything keeps breaking this week . . .
Our car broke down again (3rd week in a row) -- this time it died right in the middle of Airline and Holly. . .
Another car, one of the girl's friends cars, even broke down in our driveway this week . . .
Our home computer basically ended it's life . . .
My running watch died this morning 3-minutes into my run (batteries quit charging after 2 whole months) . . .
And two days ago my phone died (and by the way if you've called me anytime since Wed and I haven't called you back, it's because I don't have a stinkin' phone!)
It's like losing an arm . . . I've been using one of the kids old ones that was in their drawer but it shuts off about every minute and I have no contacts in it . . . trying to decide whether I get data before I get a new one . . .
So, as I ask everyone else when they're having a 'Broke Week' . . . What are you teaching me Lord?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
9:59 AM
Labels: Ecclesiastes 3
Soul Journey Pics -- Week 5
Wow, these are awesome (every week!)! These were painted after Week 5 of Soul Journey when I talked about How We Become Holy . . . that it is a matter of surrendering and remaining in The Vine (John 15).
Lisa R's pic is the lightning and the tree; Trevor S.'s is the vine; and Erin R.'s the climb. It's awesome to see how God speaks to each of us along the journey . . . Would love to hear how God is directing your journey at our blog (click here).
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:58 AM
Labels: 60/60, Art, Soul Journey
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Confessional Friends
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results." James 5:16
I touched on this on Sunday, but we don't practice enough of it. We don't talk honestly and openly enough about those things that keep us from God.
But when we do several things happen. First, there is something powerfully healing that happens when people confess their sins to one another in an authentic way. It's out of the darkness and into the light! You've cut off it's source of life.
Secondly, there is bonding into strands of our lives. New trust levels are entered into and friendships are allowed to go beyond what's on the surface. We are truly able to pray into one another's lives and not just at one another's lives.
Thirdly, confession creates covenant. When we voice our disdain over something in our life we are saying: 'This is who I am and I want to change!' We create this covenant with the other person of desiring to move nearer to God.
How about you . . . How have you seen confession bring great power and wonderful results??
Posted by
John Bradshaw
11:41 AM
Labels: confession, James 5
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Missio Dei
Missio Dei is a Latin term that means 'the sending of God.' It describes not just what God does, but who He is. He is a sender.
A couple of the most quoted Bible verses capture this heart: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17
God sent His Son to rescue us. Then the Father and Son sent the Spirit to reside in us.
And now, God sends us into the world so that His power will be released through us.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8
You see if an individual, or a church, is truly On Mission we are just patterning ourselves after the incarnation of Jesus. We don't expect the world to come to us, we go to them.
We don't need any more members. What we need is missionaries.
What do you think?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:13 AM
Labels: Acts 1, John 3, On Mission
Monday, February 16, 2009
Need New Blog Life
I've been blogging now for a year and a half and I feel like my 'blog look' is getting kind of old and stale -- the banner and colors and stuff.
Problem is I don't have the skills, nor honestly the desire to mess with it.
So . . . just wondering if there is any of my readers out there who have those techy skills and a creative flair and wanna take a shot at redesigning my blog??
I can't pay much . . . I'll buy you a Keva Juice! And just think of all the glory you'll get!!
Let me know if you wanna help . . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
3:34 PM
Labels: blogging
Did You Know?
So what do you do with all of this?
I have to ask myself: Am I trying to hide from the changes in our world, or leaning into them for the purposes of spreading the Kingdom of God?
How about you?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:59 AM
Labels: On Mission, video
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines
Below is a short essay by a man named Patrick Lencioni. He is best known for his consulting business (The Table Group) that helps top tier businesses build strong organizations -- and his many best selling books.
I've heard him speak at Leadership Summit, and know that he is also a man of faith. His essay below reveals that as He talks about the unconditional love that powerful relationships are built around.
Happy reading and Happy Valentines . . . .
Simple Wisdom:Love is a Verb
It amazes me how the simplest of truths are so easily forgotten, and how much pain in life is a result of that forgetting. One of the primary examples of this is the concept of love.
One of the worst misconceptions that people have about love, especially but not limited to that between a man and a woman, is that it is a function of feelings. Movies, television shows, celebrity magazines and the like promote this notion that attraction and love are the same, and that they should be entertained for as long as the feelings persist. The result of this, of course, is that too many worthwhile relationships end unnecessarily, replaced by new ones that again run their course when the feelings subside.
I recently saw a commercial for a new television show called Cupid, which is supposedly about finding real love. In the commercial, the main character who claims to be cupid explains that “love is heat, chemistry, sex!” And he is the protagonist on the show, the voice of modern wisdom and passion.
I use this example only because it is the most recent one I have seen and was so specific. But it wouldn’t take long to find a hundred other examples, just as egregious ones, by watching the trailers at your local cineplex or by glancing at the magazines in your grocery store check-out line.
What is tragic about this prevailing idea of love is that it actually influences so many people’s lives, and in profound, costly ways. The frequency of divorce and the percentage of our children who are living without one of their parents have reached epic proportions, not seen before in society. While people can speculate about the long-term impact this will have on those children and on society in general, it is almost impossible not to trace its cause back to the shallow, feeling-based definition of love. It still confounds me that people actually buy into it!
But true love is more about the actions we take and the decisions we make than it is about the feelings we have. That’s not to say that feelings don’t have a role in love, but that’s certainly not the most important or prevalent element involved.
I’ve learned this in my own family. I know that I’m not exhibiting the highest order of love for my wife when she looks her best on a romantic evening and I’m remembering how attracted I’ve been to her since college. It’s when she’s throwing up or looking scraggily or when she’s mad at me and the last thing I feel like doing is loving her. That’s when real love kicks in and I choose to love her.
And I don’t change my son’s diaper because I feel like it, or because I find him cute. I do it because it is what is best for him, and I’m committed to him. And I’m pretty sure that at least one of my boys will do something someday, maybe tomorrow, that will push me to the point of temporarily losing my feelings of affection for him, and that is when real love will override my feelings and he will know what it means to be loved.
Those who wait for their feelings to inspire them to love will certainly find themselves in temporary and fleeting relationships, with friends, spouses and children. And they will leave a trail of scarred and hurt people behind them.
Now, in spite of this grave and prevalent misunderstanding about love, people still seem to appreciate the real thing when they see it, even if they don’t understand it. Whenever someone celebrates a 50th wedding anniversary, everyone reacts with admiration and approval. Some will say “I guess they were meant to be,” or “how lucky they are to have found the right person.” What they don’t realize is that those who thrive and survive for fifty or more years merely understand that love is not a noun. It is a verb. It’s not something you feel or that exists independent of the people involved, but rather something you do. Especially when you don’t feel like it. Happy St. Valentines Day.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:22 PM
Labels: Love, Patrick Lencioni, valentines
Soul Journey Art - Week 4
A bonus second-installment of Soul Journey Art this week since I got behind!
In case your new to the blog or missed the first pics (you can check them out here, here and here) . . . We have three Oso Creek artists who are keeping a artistic diary of their Soul Journey.
These were done the week after I talked about Authentic Relationships . . . The 'root' pic is Erin Richmonds (be sure and click on them so you can see them larger); the 'cord of three strands' of Trevor Spofford; and the blossoming flower is Lisa Richersons . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:33 AM
Labels: Art, Soul Journey
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Little Foxes
"Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom." Song 2:15
Last Sunday I talked about the essence of holiness being loving and serving God with an undivided heart.
Michael Brown in Go and Sin No More says: ". . . anything that divides your heart - even if it is 'neutral' in and of itself - is sin. The same can be said for anything that dulls or distracts your heart."
I think of how many of us 'veteran churhers' proudly avoid being entangled in 'BIG sin' while the little foxes destroy the potential for fruit in our lives. The pleasures of this world and chat rooms and tv chairs and pursuit of our next tech gadget or vacation, rob our time and slowly erode our first love for Christ.
The Enemy is a fool but he's no idiot. If he can just entice us with busyness and fashion and sports and success then we slowly begin to fill our soul with those things. It's like the proverbial slow boiling of the frog in the kettle.
As I said on Sunday, Fruit Happens, as we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our lives.
We cannot make holiness happen. But we can choose to go on a fox hunt. We can choose to seek to fill our lives with the living God and not dead idols.
What is God saying to you?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:44 AM
Labels: holiness, Michael Brown, Song of Solomon 2
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Baseball, Steroids and Truth
"The shadow of your sin will overtake you; you'll find yourself stumbling all over yourself in the dark." (Proverbs 5:22)
Barry Bonds . . . Roger Clemens . . . now, Alex Rodriguez . . . they've all proven this proverb in recent time. You can run, but you can't hide. (These are 3 of the greatest ever Major League baseball players who have either confessed to - or the evidence points against them - taking steroids to enhance their careers.)
And before I (or we) start sounding smug, we all know it as well. We've tried to hide. And when we try to live in darkness it's oppressive and miserable.
But I've also seen the truth of this proverb revealed loudly through baseball and steroids:
"He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13
Jason Giambi, Andy Petite (two other players who confessed and didn't try to hide using steroids) and now Rodriguez have come clean . . . and in Rodriguez own words: "When you take this gorilla . . . off your back, you realize that honesty is the only way."
There is life and forgiveness in confession, but in prideful hiding there is death. A great picture from this for all of us.
And yes, I will end by answering the question on all of your minds.
Unequivocally, NO.
I have never taken steroids to help enhance my sermon preparation. Although I have drank a whole lot of coffee :)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:22 AM
Labels: baseball, confession, Proverbs 28, Proverbs 5, sin
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Last of Week 3 SJ Art
This morning I posted the Soul Journey Art for Week 3 - Staying Connected to the Spirit - but didn't have Trevor Spofford's pic . . .
Here it is . . . Awesome Acts 2 image!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:29 PM
Labels: Art, Soul Journey
Church On Mission
Check out this video done by a church just down the road in Robstown that's only a few months old!
I pray that you won't just be entertained . . . but inspired/moved to be 'on mission' right where you are!
He IS the God of THIS City! He is God of YOUR neighborhood! He IS God of YOUR workplace! He IS God of YOUR school!
How are you seeking to take part of it for His Kingdom?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
11:45 AM
Labels: Church of Grace, On Mission, Robstown
Soul Journey Art -- Week 3
I got a week behind (so I'll post another set later this week) and I'm short one pic, but here are two of our artist's work after the second week of Soul Journey . . .
These were following the week that I talked about Staying Connected to the Spirit . . . Erin Richmond's is on the left and Lisa Richerson's on the right . . .
The imagery of fire and wind (Acts 2) are awesome - and just the idea of the power and yet the gentleness of the Holy Spirit . . . Thanks for sharing your hearts ladies!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:54 AM
Labels: 60/60, Art, Soul Journey
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
One of several of our gifted photographers at Oso Creek - Jade Payne - asked our family a few weeks ago if she could snap some pics of us for her portfolio.
And snap she did, awesome! I'm even good lookin' in some of these so you know it's some kind of trick photography :)
Not really . . . just awesome. Thanks Jade!
You can check out her work at - and if you've never been there you can also see some of her art on the walls at Coffee Waves!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
4:20 PM
Labels: family, Jade Payne
Tonight (Tuesday) 7-9pm at the building.
We're asking God to breakthrough those things that keep us from Him. Come and worship and pray.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
3:48 PM
Labels: Breakthrough, Soul Journey
God Habits
Depending on which 'expert' you listen to most say that it takes between 21 and 28 days to form a habit.
(One interesting analogy said: "For instance, It takes 28 days to replace the cells of a human being's epidermis completely. Women's menstrual cycle is 28 days, the lining of the stomach and intestins is new every 28 on and so forth." Hmmm)
I don't think we can nail it down that easy, but one thing I am fairly certain of is that habits aren't fully formed until we can live them out through resistance. In other words, once the 'honeymoon' stage is over and the 'newness' wears off and we get a little weary - then what happens?
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9)
Many of you are about 22 days into the 60/60 Experiment. As we began seeking to make God part of every moment of our lives, it was really exciting the first week. But now you're not hearing your watch beep as much - or you're not really expecting it to beep. Maybe it doesn't seem quite as 'cool' as it did on day 4 . . . maybe your life hit a rough spot and as you think about it, you've started ignoring God again . . .
Don't give up and you will reap a harvest! Now more than ever it's important to ask God to help you recognize what He's doing, where He is working!
If you aren't getting the Creek Texts every day - click here and get that reminder. Go check out (click here) and be encouraged by other folks stories and then share yours to encourage someone else (Your God story might change someone else's life!)
Don't give in to giving up! "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
10:52 AM
Labels: 60/60, Galatians 6, Matthew 6, Soul Journey
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What a Weekend . . .
Cindy and I drove to San Antonio on Friday night for a soccer game --- the girls suffered their first district loss to Judson . . . but they'll come fightin' back!
Cindy came home and I stayed around for a church planting conference on Saturday that was awesome . . . got connected with some great church planting guys . . . including a good friend and church planter who I stayed with Tray Pruett . . .
Drove home Saturday evening . . . And then had an awesome morning of Celebration . . . followed by baseball practice this afternoon and then hanging out with the high school guys this evening . . . I'm stinkin' ready to go to bed!
One more thing . . . I was a proud Dad - at King they pick 4 'Favorites' in each class -- last year Laura and our 'adopted daughter' Elle were both chosen . . . and then at 'Favorites' this year on Sat night - Sarah was chosen! Along with Elle again! Pretty cool!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
10:39 PM
Labels: church planting, soccer, weekend
Saturday, February 7, 2009
One Life at a Time . . .
Hey don't forget to bring extra cash with you tomorrow to help change student's lives!
Earlier this week I posted (click here to see the post) about the sweets & bar-b-que that's happening after Celebration!
To the Cross . . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:41 AM
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Last 10%
As I talked about on Sunday, we cannot grow as a follower of Jesus and remain isolated from others.
We ALL need to draw nearer to others in our life who will help us to draw nearer to Jesus. As we do so - we break through different barriers of vulnerability.
If we are intentional we quickly move past what I call the weather/sports mode (OK, probably be different subjects for some of you - but same idea) . . . where it's just all surface. And we begin to move into authenticity.
As we make these breaks into deeper authenticity there is a barrier that Bill Hybels calls: The Last 10%.
Have you ever gone away from a conversation thinking, 'Man, I wish I had just had the courage to say _____________!' That's the last 10%.
It refers to whatever it is that you're holding back in the conversation. What is it that you need to share but you're afraid to? It may be something we need to confess or an area where we need to ask for help. Or it may be that last 10% of encouragement or truth that we need to speak to the other person.
Paul spoke about the last 10%: "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ." Ephes. 4:15
The truth in love. I know. I've had people tell me that last 10%. The part that no one else had the courage to challenge me with.
When we share the last 10% we not only take our relationship to new levels --- but it also leads us into deeper places of knowing God!
Don't hold it back . . . Let go of the last 10%!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:28 AM
Labels: 60/60, Ephesians 4, relationships, Soul Journey
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Matt Beveridge Award
In a little while Luke and I are going to the annual CC Hooks Baseball Banquet - where they honor local pro, college and high school baseball players.
This year they are also giving out the First Annual Matt Beveridge Award. It is for a local high school player who lives with - on and off the field - the kind of courage and passion that Matt lived with.
I had the privilege of being on the committee that chose the local player (although I can't say who it is as they are not announcing until tonight - check out the sports page tomorrow if you want to know) -- and it is going to be awesome to see Matt's life honored in that kind of way tonight . . . and more importantly to see Jesus lifted up as Matt looks down from beside His Savior!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:03 PM
Labels: Corpus Christi Hooks, Matt Beveridge
Which Path?
It's becoming clearer and clearer for many of you doing the 60/60 - for those of you sincerely seeking to follow God. The distinction between light and dark is no longer gray - they quit running together as we get nearer to God.
This morning I was reading in Proverbs 4 and these verses jumped out:
"Do not set foot on the path of the wicked
or walk in the way of evil men.
Avoid it, do not travel on it;
turn from it and go on your way." (Proverbs 4:14-15)
What path do we choose? Man, it's so easy and seductive -- and accepted -- to just walk a few feet on what looks like a harmless trail.
And yet as we experience the freedom and power of living in the presence of God, nothing else satisfies . . . Just a few verses down in Proverbs Solomon writes about the wisdom of God:
"Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully. Don't lose sight of my words. Let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." (Proverbs 4:20-23)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:24 AM
Labels: 60/60, Proverbs 4
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Few Hamburgers Could Change the World . . .
It really can be that simple.
THIS Sunday our MS/HS students are having a bake sale AND a bar-b-que to raise funds for camp this Summer . . .
You can help send a high schooler/middle schooler to have an experience with God that will change their forever! These are the most impressionable ages as beliefs and practices are being formed that will shape the rest of their eternity.
So, bring a few extra bucks to buy cookies/cakes (maybe something for your valentine :) and then treat your family to lunch with $5 plates of hamburgers, beans and chips!
A few hamburgers really can change the world!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
1:04 PM
Labels: high school, middle school, students
15 and 72
To this point we've had 15 entries on our Soul Journey blog and we're sending out 72 texts/emails a day through our Creek Texting . . .
What is God doing in your life as you 60/60? We'd all love to hear about it . . . Click here to go to the Soul Journey blog
Or, click here to join us in getting the daily texts that help us stay plugged into the Word . . .
Keep the river flowing!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
9:54 AM
Labels: 60/60, Soul Journey
Monday, February 2, 2009
Powerful Video
Thought this was a great video and great picture of putting divisive things behind and attending to issues of the heart . . .
Also made me think about how to bless and encourage a successor in anything I do in life . . .
Oh, yeah, it's a letter from the Bush twins to Obama's daughters . . .
What do you think?
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:22 PM
Labels: President Bush, President Obama, video
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What a Day . . .
It began with a great day of Celebration this morning!
And if you weren't at the 11am celebration it was great fun to give Tony Reyes of Mission911 half of the Advent Conspiracy $7,000 that you gave . . .
This afternoon I joined of group of Creekers going door to door at the Saratoga Cove Apartments . . . we passed out cookies and invited folks to the neighborhood party that we're having there on March 7th (more about Saratoga Cove in a post later this week) . . .
Then I watched the first 3 quarters of the Super Bowl at the Student Crossover event . . . can say it was fun but I didn't hear much of the game with 40 students/adults there!
Finally, an incredible crazy finish to Super Bowl 43 . . . wow!
And o'yeah (you'll understand this if you were at Celebration today) . . . imagine, I just checked my facebook and had about 7 friend requests! :)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:55 PM
Labels: Advent conspiracy, Facebook, Mission 911, Saratoga Cove Apartments
Running Partner Questions
This morning was awesome! Praise God for Steveo leading our music . . . way to bring us to Jesus man!
I promised to send you the Running Partner questions that I talked about . . . How we all need to move closer to folks who can help carry our mat!
Here's the questions, I pray that you find someone to start doing em' with as we keep 60/60ing . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
4:59 PM
Labels: 60/60, Celebration