Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stop Doing List

A few years ago as I read Jim Collin's book Good to Great, one of the things he challenged me with is the question: What are you doing that you shouldn't be doing? Then instead of making a 'To Do' list, he had us make a 'Stop Doing' list.

I did and it was very powerful. I was reminded of all of that this week as I'm in a mode where I need to make another 'Stop Doing' list. And it's difficult when none of the things that you are doing are 'bad' - they could even ALL (or at least most) be considered Very Good. But Collins also said that 'the enemy of Great is Good.'

So, I'm starting to pray through this because I don't want to exhaust myself doing a bunch of good things. I'm asking God, 'what are the great things you want me to do?'

How about you? What needs to be on your 'Stop Doing' list?

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