Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hog Chasing!

Last night Luke & I (along with John & Connor Richerson and Tim Klaus) were driving in the Lakes (neighborhood in Corpus for you out of towners) and up the street I saw something(s) in a yard and said, 'What are those, pigs?'
Sure enough three feral pigs rooting in a yard! They had come out of the wild around the Oso and torn to shreds about 5 yards!

But here's the cool part, we started chasing em' in the car and we were all laughing so hard I almost wrecked . . . We chased em' up and down streets and finally back out into the wild by the Oso. Almost ran over em' near the end because they got tired and stopped in the road. Great male bonding time!

Kind of like being back in West Texas - hog chasin' on Monday night in the car!

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