Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Where is Tonto?

On Sunday I began talking about values that must make up our foundation if we are going to have an eternity changing vision this year.
I've learned that values are most effective as they are expressed in ways that fit us and our context.

On Sunday I talked about one of the values that has recently become part of our culture: Don't Let What is Wrong With You Keep You From Worshipping What is Right About God. The ONE THING must be a real, fresh, powerful relationship with Jesus.

I want to share a second value in this blog: Christianity is NOT a Lone Ranger Sport!

God designed us to live and journey and grow in community! Acts 2:41-47 is my favorite picture of real, life changing, world changing community.

That's why we are so focused on our Life Groups. And beyond that, everyone being in smaller groups of 2 or 3 where we can pursue Christ together.

If you're not part of community (group), then you are living in isolation. My vision is that we have at least 30 Groups at the end of 2008 --- so that everyone has a place!

Apart from the encouragement and care and '(loving) kick in the rear' of others . . . you will never know God's fullest vision for your life. Find your Tontos!

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