Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why a Blog?

Or maybe the best place to start is, 'What's a blog?'

A blog is simply short for 'weblog.' Or a way to log thoughts, dreams, encouragement --- or whatever else --- in an electronic journal of sorts.

But a blog is better than just an electronic journal - and that leads to why I'm beginning a blog!

First of all, a blog allows me to communicate with you in a quick, dynamic way. Unlike a website, where you have to log into the website and see if something has changed, every time I 'publish' (send out) a new blog it is mailed right to you. That's cool.

And then this is what I really like. Unlike a web site where it's just info you read, or a mass email where you can only respond to me -- a blog allows you to post comments that anyone on the blog can see! So we can all interact.
See at the bottom where it says 'COMMENTS' . . . just click on that and you can not only leave your own comments but read and interact with everyone else's comments!

My goal is to blog 3-5 times a week. My hope is that this is going to be a tool that will allow me to more easily and effectively encourage you, and keep you updated on what's going on at the Creek. And that it will also be a tool that you can use to introduce your friends to the Kingdom!

So, Welcome! What do you think? What questions do you have?


Nathan Lindell said...

Very cool! Let me be the first to sign up/comment.

Shammah Rodriguez said...


Kim said...

This will be an awesome thing!

Jade said...

i look forward to this new creek experience.