Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Little Demolition

Sometimes we fear breaking down a wall. But it's amazing how just knocking down one wall can change your perspective.

If you've been in my house before you know that the big opening in the middle and the little serving window to the kitchen on the right weren't there before. (Good job Jeremiah & Rusty!)

It opened everything up. Changed the whole perspective in our living room.

Knocking down walls can do that.

It made me think about how when we let walls of fear or anger or discouragement or pride, etc, stand between us and God, we are robbing ourselves of LIFE that we are closed up to!

What's standing in your way of your life being opened up to God's greatest for you? A job you feel stuck in but you're too scared to take a 'flyer' with another job, or go back to school? Anger towards a spouse or friend that's lingered in the back of your soul for years? A fear of taking that leap with your resources that God's been pointing you to? Those (and many others) rob us and steal our life!!

I don't know what it might be, but knock the wall down. We see all over the Bible that God is not only the re-designer of lives but He is the God of second and third and one-hundredth chances!

The Bible says that if you 'confess your sin' that God is 'faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness.' (1 John 1:9)

That means that if we are real with Him and invite Him to 'clean house' - that He does the demolition! And as we follow Him we are given a fresh start. A new perspective! New Life!

1 comment:

Kim said...

This made me think of the song "Let the Walls Fall Down"!
Nice to remember!