Thursday, October 22, 2009

Right and Just

"The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just --
than when we offer him sacrifices."
(Prov 21:3)

I sacrificed the time to read this yesterday. I dwelled on it some. And then I don't think I lived any differently. I'm a continuously (read: daily) recovering self-aholic.

It's easy for me to measure my spiritual life by how much I do (i.e. read sacrifice). When clearly God is glorified when I live in right ways. God summed up right living with 'Love God, love others.'

And just. Living justly tells me to love the marginalized. Living justly tells me to be an advocate for those in need. Living justly tells me to leave my world to understand others.

Jesus has already made the greatest sacrifice. I just want to follow Him.

Right and just. What do they mean to you?

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