"The Bible is very easy to understand. But we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. We pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand, we are obligated to act accordingly." Soren Kierkegaard
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does." James 1:22-25
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ouch! Was that for me?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:54 AM
Labels: James 1, Soren Kierkegaard
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Gather to Pray . . .
Most of you know at this point that a T-34 went down in the water yesterday afternoon and that the two pilots are missing. It has also become public knowledge that one of the pilots is a Creeker - Joe Houston.
Tonight (Thursday) we will gather at 7:30 at the building to pray for our friend and his family - and for all our military/and other families who are in pain. If you can only come for a little while, that's OK.
It's open to anyone and we will have childcare.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
1:46 PM
Labels: Joe Houston, prayer
Sleep On!
This is my favorite weekend of the year . . . I get an extra hours sleep on Saturday Night!
So don't forget to set your clocks back an hour or you'll be there for Celebration by yourself!
And with all the extra rest, come on Sunday ready to let it all hang out for Jesus!
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1
Posted by
John Bradshaw
1:23 PM
Labels: Daylight Savings, Psalm 91
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We have the privilege again this year to collect shoeboxes and fill them with gifts for children around the world!
You can check out the heart and mission of Operation Christmas Child by clicking here.
The most important thing we fill the boxes with is the love of Jesus as you prayerfully ask God to use them for His glory.
Gather . . . and pray!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:41 PM
Labels: Operation Christmas Child
God in a Box
Sometimes we become so isolated in our little Christian world that without even thinking about it we put God in all kinds of convenient boxes.
I'm growing more and more convinced that God wants to blow our boxes to pieces. If He cannot, then we will not be able to fit Him in.
I read about the church around the world and it helps me to broaden my perspective of how God is working. I thought that you would like the post below by Bob Roberts that talks about a recent experience he had worshipping with a church in India.
What boxes does God need to blow up in your life?
Worship With Hindu Followers Of Jesus
No doubt E. Stanley Jones would have loved being with me yesterday in worship. I worshipped in a house church with some 30 other people. The pastor was a former Hindu militant who organized the persecution of believers and even killed some until someone led him to Jesus - now he’s a church planter. The service was incredible. We were stuffed in a small room, there were Seiks, Hindus, and other people from various religions that came into the room to experience this Jesus as the one true God, yet stay within their culture and families. A coconut with a burning candle and some incense was at the front of the room where the pastor sat. They open with prayer. Most of these are in their 20’s, they are the present future of the church. The prayer is as if the pastor is leading a chant - it reminds me of Gregorian chants. We sing four songs with a drum. Each song, they clap - but they are very serious - their eyes are closed and they are deeply reflective. We stand and sing, sit and pray, up and down on the floor - I sure feel my knees! Then he takes the coconut - breaks it open and lets the milk go into a jar. He describes that as what Jesus did for us on the cross - I don’t understand it but it has something to do with how Hindu’s believe they worship - and he’s describing that Jesus opens the door and has accomplished all they need to know God. A man preaches - or teaches - for 30 minutes. We pray for sick people, people being called to ministry - one young girl feels God is calling her to plant a church - I’m asked to pray over her. I do and ask God to use her powerfully. Another person has relatives in prison and they are hurting. The service lasts all of 2 hours and man I feel like I’ve met with God. I understand very little of the words but capture all the passion and meaning. Thank God!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:06 AM
Labels: Bob Roberts, India
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What Do You Really Own?
"In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination." Mark Twain
"Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them." Proverbs 4:5
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:47 AM
Labels: Mark Twain, Proverbs 4
Monday, October 26, 2009
Trick or Treat?
Halloween is more scary than costumes and jack-o-lanterns. It runs deeper than just dressing up and scouring the neighborhood for candy. Halloween masquerades behind an innocent mask, when in actuality it's saturated in the occult and mysticism.
Now, does that mean we have to fear it? No. Can we use it for God's glory. Yes. I'm reminded of what Joseph said in Genesis 50: "What you meant as evil, God meant as good."
This post is a little longer than most, but in order to be as 'wise as serpents and innocent as doves' we need to understand what's behind Halloween.
The tradition began over 2,000 years ago in Europe with the Celts who worshipped many gods, one being Samhain, the lord of death. One of the Celts' superstitions was that on October 31st - the eve of their new year - Samhain gathered the spirits of those who had died that year and allowed them to return to their homes. Some of the 'spirits' were not friendly and in their fear they believed that the only way they could appease these spirits was by sacrifice. So on October 31st the Celts held bizarre ceremonies that sometimes included both animal and human sacrifices.
Out of this cult worship has continued the traditions of many witches today who celebrate October 31st as the 'Feast of Samhain' - a festival of the dead - when they try to communicate with the dead through many forms of divination.
Now again, does this mean that we fear Halloween? Now come on, those of you who know me know that I'm not an alarmist, nor do I advocate that we should hide from the darkness.
What I would say is that if you are a Christian parent, the dark spiritual forces behind Halloween demand Godly wisdom concerning your priceless children. The Bible tells us that spiritual forces of evil are very real and we are commanded to not become involved with the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph 5:11). And children's ability to discern and resist spiritual darkness is much less developed than yours. It's your responsibility as parents to not allow them to unknowingly open their lives up to darkness.
With that said then, what must we seek to do? If this is true and Halloween is a spiritually dark night, should we turn off our porch lights and hide under our covers?
Each of you must follow your conscience in determining how your family approaches Halloween . . but let me remind you that Jesus said: "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden . . . Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matt 5:14-16)
Light always shines the brightest in the darkness and rather than turning our backs to the world, I believe that there is another option. We can seize the opportunity to love those around us. Just think, those 'wandering in the darkness' literally come and knock on our doors!
Below are some ways that you can let your light shine during this season. I encourage each of you to prayerfully prepare yourselves, and your children, and then seek how God would have you respond to those around you. Remember, as followers of Christ we have nothing to fear. Jesus Christ has defeated sin and death and in the power of His Spirit we are agents of life and hope!
Halloween Ideas:
- Prayerwalk your neighborhood this week leading up to Halloween. Praying for each home and family, asking God to open their hearts to His Truth and for a special opportunity to love them during this season.
- Have a party for the kids/families in your neighborhood - One of our Creekers - Kandee Richardson and her Life Group are doing that this year at her house. They're hoping to give away 200 hot dogs, candy and party favors for the kids, and hang out with their neighbors all night.
- Reverse Trick-or-Treat - If you're cool with your children wearing fun costumes then you could trick-or-treat in your neighborhood. But instead of asking for candy, give your neighbors a gift - cookies/brownis you made, or something else - and thank them for their generosity.
- Reverse On Mission Trick-or-Treat - I read that since the 1950's UNICEF has encouraged children to collect money for UNICEF door to door while they trick-or-treated. What about your group collecting food for the food bank, or resources for the homeless (Mission 911), or something related to where your group is on mission. (This would have the added benefit of helping your children think of someone else rather than themselves and collecting the most candy!)
- Get the brightest or most colorful light on your block - It will for sure attract neighborhood kids and give you an opportunity to love them. (And if you do this, get good candy, don't get the stinkin' cheap stuff! :)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
4:47 PM
Labels: Ephesians 5, Genesis 50, Halloween, Matthew 5
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Leadership Infusion
Having a great time at the WCA Group Leadership Conference live at Oso Creek today!
Wow, an incredible amount of awesome heart and head stuff about helping others grow.
A few of my favorite thoughts/quotes to this point:
3 Keys to Transformation -- We have to be Authentic; we must be Courageous; it must all be done in an atmosphere of Grace (David Johnson)
"There is a fear that does not weaken you, but wakens you." (David Johnson)
Symptoms of Soul Neglect: (It's benign but we lose touch with our soul - these are inevitable)
- Apathy
- Judgmental Spirit (critical)
- Insomnia
- Anger
- Fear
- Isolation
Symptoms of Soul Health:
- Joy (& love, peace, etc)
- Confidence
- Safety
- Purpose (know what they are to do and move towards it)
- Energy
- Attentiveness (increased awareness of what is going on around us)
"One of the most important thing for us to grow in is understanding where our soul is and then being able to express it." (Mindy Calligure)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:43 PM
Labels: Transformation
VN - 7
Our team and dates for Vietnam in January are set! We have a team of 7 who will be leaving Corpus on January 7th (have I mentioned that 7 is the ‘number of perfection!) and returning on January 15th.
Our team is:
Audie Lawley
Carrie Ruiz
Erin Richmond
Greg Richmond
John Bradshaw
Kim Lindell
Toby Ketter
Please pray for us as we raise resources, construct a plan, and prepare to go and bless the people of the Sapa Region of Vietnam.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:40 PM
Labels: VN
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Right and Just
"The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just --
than when we offer him sacrifices."(Prov 21:3)
I sacrificed the time to read this yesterday. I dwelled on it some. And then I don't think I lived any differently. I'm a continuously (read: daily) recovering self-aholic.
It's easy for me to measure my spiritual life by how much I do (i.e. read sacrifice). When clearly God is glorified when I live in right ways. God summed up right living with 'Love God, love others.'
And just. Living justly tells me to love the marginalized. Living justly tells me to be an advocate for those in need. Living justly tells me to leave my world to understand others.
Jesus has already made the greatest sacrifice. I just want to follow Him.
Right and just. What do they mean to you?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
9:11 AM
Labels: following Jesus, Proverbs 21
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Why Be a Leader?
Only because people willing to lead change the world.
THIS Saturday from 8:30am to 3:30pm world class leaders are going to be speaking at Oso Creek via satellite about leading.
Call the office to sign up, pay the paltry $35, and come learn with us how to leverage your life in greater ways for eternity.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
12:54 PM
Labels: leadership
1+1 (or 2)
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." (Eccl 4:9-10)
One of our primary focuses this year has been Discipleship Groups (DG's).
When I was a young Christian, and young-married, there was a man named Owen Leech who, for a season, would meet me every week late on Tuesday night in our church's prayer room.
Owen showed me how to pray - by praying. Owen passed on to me a love for God's Word, with his excitement. We would pray and then read, and the Scriptures would start coming alive as we shared what God was telling us.
Owen discipled me. And did I mention that Owen didn't have a seminary degree. He wasn't a pastor. He was just a guy who loved God and wanted to pass that on.
DG's are about transformation. DG's are a simple way release the power of God in people’s lives so that we can become more and more transformed into God’s image. It is a grassroots tool that empowers every follower of Christ to multiply their lives by reproducing spiritual disciples who can in turn reproduce others.
On Saturday November 14th we are going to offer two Equipping Track classes - one of which is Discipleship Groups. We will be using an awesome book called Search & Rescue as our text for the class. You can sign up for the class AND get the book this Sunday for $11.
We will simply be talking about what it looks like to be a disciple and to disciple others.
How desperately we ALL need someone to help us succeed in this thing called Christianity. And how desperately someone else needs us.
Read the book! Come to the class! Get in the game!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:10 AM
Labels: DG's, equipping track
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Did God Make a Mistake?
On Sunday I talked about how we must first see God's glory before we see God's future.
I also know that many of us are going through times right now where we are asking that question: Did you mess up God? Did you lose control? What's going on?
Here's part of a post by Mark Batterson that does a great job speaking to these feelings and God's glory:
Have you ever felt like God made a mistake?
. . . . That is how the Israelites felt with the Egyptian army breathing down their necks and the Red Sea staring them in the face. And here's the thing: God led them there. From a military standpoint, they should not have been there. They have no escape route. They couldn't retreat or advance. It seems like God has made a mistake. And the Israelites let Moses know about it. But God had them right where he wanted them.
Sometimes God leads us to a place where we have nowhere to turn but to Him. It's often the last place we want to be. But it's the best place to be. Here is the great irony: all of us want to experience a miracle. We just don't want to be in a situation that necessitates it. But sometimes you need to be between an Egyptian Army and a Red Sea so God can reveal more of His glory!
And just when you think God has made a mistake, He parts the Red Sea.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:09 AM
Labels: Exodus, glory, Mark Batterson
Monday, October 19, 2009
I read this great book last week that chronicles the journey of Austin New Church. It's special to me because one of my friends, Tray Pruet, has been part of the staff from the beginning - and I also know Jen Hatmaker who wrote the book and whose husband Brandon is the lead pastor of ANC.
Most importantly this book is special because I've watched these folks up close and they are doin' it!
In Interrupted Jen, challenges many of our assumptions about what it means and looks like to 'do church.' And then through the journey of ANC, she paints an awesome picture of what the compassion of Jesus looks like. Jen speaks honestly about their ongoing struggle to break their me-first mentality of spirituality, and to understand how to really love and serve people in South Austin.
You know, if we're honest, we really struggle at sharing the Kingdom with people around us. Just look at our lack of folks (at Oso Creek) who have given (re-given) their lives to Christ over the past couple of years.
I challenge all of you Creekers (and everyone else) to get it (click here) and read it. Ask God's Spirit to blow in new ways that we might be willing to whatever is necessary to live for the Kingdom of God.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
3:11 PM
Labels: Interrupted, Jen Hatmaker, Tray Pruet
Thursday, October 15, 2009
God is Moving . . .
My friend Tim who owns the Saigon Cafe has a vision to start a Vietnamese church in Corpus - there is not one.
This week I met Tim's brother Ngon (Nathan is his English name, on right) - and this is Tim's nephew Nhan with him . . .
Ngon pastors a Vietnamese church in Houston and wants to help Tim plant one here. We had a great time together. Connected immediately in the Spirit.
I took them by our building and they want to use it over the Christmas season to host a gathering for the Vietnamese community. Awesome!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
4:12 PM
Labels: VN
Great thought by Rick Warren:
When you die, you won't regret your unfulfilled dreams, just your unattempted ones. The first is reality. The second is tragedy.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:54 AM
Labels: dreams
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This is awesome . . . Peggy Moore is at Dr's Regional Hospital as she had a stroke last week caused by her chemo . . . Her body may not be functioning at 100%, but her trust in Jesus is!! God would you give us all a real and powerful faith in Jesus!
This is an email I got from her husband Clarence tonight:
Today i noticed this lady walking around with a scarf on no hair and i asked are you Guilda? Yes. Can we pray for you? Peggy's memory is not good at this time, but she begins to pray for this lady & tells her don't worry Jesus will take care of you he is going to heal you & your cancer is gone. This was so powerful Guilda said angels were everywhere. She then said you are the one sick Peggy I should be praying for you. Peggy said God will take care of the both of us. It was awesome.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
10:05 PM
Labels: Clarence Moore, faith, Peggy Moore
People That God Really Uses
At some point we all must decide (and no-decision is a decision) if we want to be a person who God really uses . . . or if we prefer going through life using God.
Below is a blog post by my blog mentor Bob Roberts. As I read elsewhere this week: 'When God has an impossible problem, He finds an impossible person and transforms them.'
Any of us are that (im)possible person. What will you choose?
When I was a little boy, there was an old missionary lady named Bertha Smith that had a list from Oswald Smith about people God uses - here were the points:
1. Have but one great purpose in life.
2. By God’s grace has removed every hindrance.
3. Placed themselves at God’s disposal.
4. Has learned to prevail in prayer.
5. A Student of God’s Word.
6. Has a vital message for a lost world.
7. Person of faith who expects results.
8. Works in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Early this morning I sent a text to my mentor . . . Leighton Ford. I’ve always heard that Billy Graham was what he was because of the team around him - no doubt he had the things above. I asked Leighton, “Were the men around Graham exceptional, or average that went way above their ability because of their walk with God.” His reply, “Both.”
No one does anything alone - no one has everything needed - together everyone accomplishes more (John Maxwell’s definition of team) - only as we act as the body of Christ, can we accomplish what he wants.
I, just like many of you, want God to use me. I find, God is never the problem! Keep me out on the limb for you God -
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:23 AM
Labels: following Jesus
Monday, October 12, 2009
Awesome Job Creekers!
Great job yesterday in serving our City for the Kingdom of God!
We worked about 300 man hours to express the servant heart of Jesus . . .
Here's some of what went on . . .
- At King High School 27 bags of cut limbs and pulled weeds, etc were tossed as the team fought through the rain and mud to beautify the school atrium
- Apartments painted at Mission 911 - Even though rained out of the outdoor roofing project, the team jumped in and cleaned, prepped and painted apartments that are used to house people who are living without shelter
- We collected over 4 barrels of food in 8 different neighborhoods for the Corpus Christi Food Bank who has been struggling to meet the incredible needs right now
- At Miller HS Creekers worked beside students and community volunteers and painted two classrooms; Sanded and stained stairwell rails; Painted Parent Storage Room; Painted two walls on 2nd floor; and Repainted the ISSC Carrels Pink!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
10:56 PM
Labels: Serving Sunday
Days Gone By . . .
Recently as I was reminiscing on my kids growing older and older, I came across this pic of one of our first weekends (probably the very first) in Corpus.
July 1999 when Oso Creek was meeting with about 30 folks at Dawson Elementary School . . . Emily was 9, the twins 7 and the Luker man was 4.
Cindy and I were . . . considerably younger than we are now :)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
6:12 AM
Labels: family
Saturday, October 10, 2009
October 10, 2008
One year ago today my friend Matt Beveridge went to rest in the presence of the King of Kings.
We still miss him, but we celebrate what he meant to us and the impact he had on eternity.
You can check out the video below that we made last year for his funeral.
And then lift up his family to God (Gary & Laurie are his parents) -- that they would continue to know the grace and hope of Jesus.
Matt Beveridge, Sept. 1, 1988 - Oct. 10, 2008 from Fellowship of Oso Creek on Vimeo.
"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor 15:50-57)
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:27 AM
Labels: Matt Beveridge
Friday, October 9, 2009
Elder Retreat
Heading off to Lake Corpus Christi this evening with the Elder Team. We will come back tomorrow (Saturday) evening.
Please pray for us as we seek God's wisdom and leadership with Oso Creek.
Pray that we hear God clearly as we face challenges, and also see God moving in many people's lives! Our heart is that lives will be transformed. Pray that we will stay on affixed on seeing the transforming power of Jesus in our midst.
See you Sunday morning at 9:30 to serve our City!!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
1:05 PM
Labels: leadership
A Single Act . . .
I was reminded last week of how simple acts of kindness open doors to lives.
We have new neighbors who we haven't had much contact with since they moved in over the Summer. Two retired sisters who have stayed pretty much to themselves - the only conversations I've had were my going over and initiating and a little awkward.
After the rains I was mowing last Thursday on my day off and their yard was a mess. I mowed it and cleaned it up - nothing heroic - just took a little time. The next evening they saw us outside and came over smiling and asking if they could pay us. No way, I told them, it would rob me of the gift to them.
We had a great conversation. A great start. All stemming from a simple act of love. Can't wait to see what God does.
This Sunday Morning we get to do the same thing a couple of hundred times over! At King HS, Miller HS, Mission 911, and in our neighborhoods for the Food Bank - we will give out free acts of love for the Kingdom! (For more info click here)
We have the incredible opportunity of serving people around for nothing! For no other purpose than to show them the love of Jesus!!
If you haven't signed up yet please call the office (993-4463) or email Audie (audielawley@gmail.com) ASAP! We need to know whose coming so that we can put the right amount of folks at each location.
And remember --- Be there at 9:30am --- for a brief time of Celebration together and then out of the building and into the world!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:49 AM
Labels: On Mission, serving, Serving Sunday
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Had a really cool divine moment yesterday afternoon. It happened at the Asian Market (next to Saigon Cafe at Saratoga & Staples).
I met Ngih, a young Vietnamese girl who is a student at Texas A&M CC who was working at the market. When I told her that I had been to Vietnam and was going back in January, she was excited. 'You like my country??' 'Yes, I love your country and your people.'
She talked my ear off about Vietnam and was so excited about what we are doing there. She was also very intrigued that I was a Christian even though she said that she had 'no religion.'
I ended the conversation with an offer for her and some of her friends (there's 40 or 50 Vietnamese college students at CC A&M) to come over for dinner soon and teach my family more about Vietnam. She was pumped. I was pumped.
Wow, can't wait for the divine moments that are planned to come soon . . .
Posted by
John Bradshaw
11:12 AM
Labels: divine moment, VN
Unbelievable 18!
It was 18 years ago today I first held their 4-pound little bodies at University Medical Center in Lubbock.
We were in shock and awe! (And don't mention the glasses, I was stylin' back then)
They completely changed our lives. It's difficult to fathom that Sarah & Laura are 18 today.
We just turned around and they have grown into these incredibly beautiful young ladies. And the awesome part is that their beauty is so much deeper than their skin. They both dazzle with their hearts for God.
I'm so proud of them. I'm so thankful to be their Daddy.
Bo & Louda, I love you so very much. Keep walking - no running - with Jesus. Keep loving others. Keep making it count.
Love, Daddy
Posted by
John Bradshaw
5:23 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Over and over again this word keeps showing up as we go through the book of Revelation.
"Repent and do the things you did at first." (1:5)
"So be earnest and repent." (2:19)
It's what Jesus asked of people: "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matt 4:17)
Peter's first sermon had it as a central them: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38)
Repentance is HUGE, because it unlocks the power of God in our lives!
Repentance is the moving away from the status quo in our soul, and then in our life.
Very simply, repentance begins as we have a holy dissatisfaction with the direction of our life, or an area of our life. As this dissatisfaction brings us to a decision point, repentance is birthed with one word in our mind, that eventually spills out onto our tongue.
That word is: 'God.' 'God, help me.' 'God, please.' 'God, change me.' 'God, have mercy.'
Only God can change us. Repentance is the human yielding that opens the gate for the power of God in our lives.
And repentance doesn't just happen once. It's a heart attitude that (should) happens over and over. Every day.
What are your thoughts? What is God speaking to you about repentance?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
4:15 PM
Labels: repentant, Revelation
Signed Up?
I was recently reading Jen Hatmaker's book Interrupted (highly recommended!) where she talked about serving hamburgers to the homeless in 105 degree heat in downtown Austin. She was stunned by the homeless man who responded to her gift with: "I hope this satisfies your white guilt for the day!"
I know that I've walked a coke addict through 6-months of therapy to have him bail and never show up again. I've had the door slammed on me by a person whose angry that I won't give them cash even though I've bought groceries and gas for several times. And on and on . . .
So, as Jen expresses in her book: Do we get to opt out of living on mission because we're not appreciated?
Only if we are in it for us.
THIS Sunday we have another opportunity to serve our community in the Name of Jesus. To bring the Kingdom to Mission 911, King High School, Miller High School, and all of those served by the CC Food Bank.
DON'T miss it! Call the office to sign up if you haven't already. Click HERE for more info.
BE at the building on Sunday morning at 9:30am!!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
1:54 PM
Labels: Serving Sunday
Monday, October 5, 2009
Jury Duty
Sitting in jury duty pool this morning ... Blogging from my phone and
trying to have a good attitude.
Thankful that 1) I'm on this side of the courtroom 2) I live in a
country where more than a small group of elitists decides the fate of
Jury duty is a great place to see life attitudes. Just a horde of
people in tightly packed rows. Looking at faces - who is angry at
life this morning - and who is thankful for life and looking for
opportunities to live?
Posted by
John Bradshaw
8:17 AM
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday night is the HS girls group, so my buddy Luke and I usually hang out.
Not tonight. He ditched me for the homecoming dance.
Wow, it's amazing - just the other day we were playing knee football in the living room.
And here he is tonight with his beautiful sisters.
Their last HS homecoming dance, his first.
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven." Eccl 3:1
Loving God and Others
"My soul finds rest in God alone my salvation comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." (Ps. 62:1-2)
Don't miss Celebration tomorrow morning . . . it will rock!
And then don't forget . . . Next Sunday, October 11th, we have another Serving Sunday and another opportunity to serve our City! Sign up tomorrow or call the office next week (993.4463)!
Posted by
John Bradshaw
4:06 PM
Labels: Celebration, Serving Sunday
Friday, October 2, 2009
A Case For Compassion
This is a video of Tim Keller (who also spoke in a powerful way at Leadership Summit) speaking at Campus Crusade's Staff Conference about: The Gospel and the Poor: A Case for Compassion.
In this 18-minute video Keller speaks about reaching people around us for the Kingdom of God. It's worth the time . . . Just one thing he said made it worth it for me: "The people you are trying to reach have got to be able to see what they would look like if they were a Christian."
Check it out:
Tim Keller Campus Crusade Interview from Here's Life Inner City on Vimeo.
Posted by
John Bradshaw
2:36 PM
Labels: compassion, Tim Keller