Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Connecting with Challenge

On Sunday I talked about our vision to Connect people all around us to the Kingdom of God and to the life of adventure!
I challenged each of us to Raise the Risk Factor in our lives to do what is necessary to live out that vision.

This morning I was challenged as I read in Matthew 4 Jesus' invitation to Peter and Andrew to follow Him on the Kingdom adventure. (Check in out in vs. 18-20)

It wasn't a sweet promise that their life would be all better. Or just an eternal invitation that they would live forever in heaven.

No, He said, 'Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men!' He challenged them to join Him in changing the world!

I wonder sometimes if the way we talk to folks about God makes them think that He is just a desperate contender for their loyalty?

God is no 'contender.' We should have to be standing in line for the privilege of serving Him.
Maybe instead of trying to 'sell God' based on the benefits He offers, we need to be challenging people to quit sitting in the stands and to give their life to what counts for all eternity . . .

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