Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back in Shape

The last couple of weeks have been tough running weeks for me. I was carrying this lingering summer cold and the heat index has been skyrocketing.

Yesterday morning I got back out on the road for only the second time in about a week. It killed me. My hip hurt, my right knee hurt, my left ankle hurt, my head hurt, I couldn't breathe. And that was all before I got off my block! The first mile I wanted to quit so bad. . .

I didn't. I survived the first mile. Second mile was a little better. After that just had to fight to finish.

I was just reminded that it's so very hard to start. It's many times brutal to 'get back in shape.'

And the same that is true for our bodies is true with our soul. I encouraged everyone on Sunday from James that we must intently and continuously look into God's Truth if we are going to be 'doers' and not just 'dreamers.'

And I know that there are those of you who have 'started' before trying to get in spiritual shape and then quit. And then again . . . and again . . . and again . . .

It's OK! God's mercies are new every day! As long as you're breathing there's still hope!
Get back on the road! Forget about the past and press forward to what lies ahead!

I invited all of you to go on this journey through James with us this Summer . . . and to sign up for the Summer texting (see this post). Come on with us.

God's desire for all of us is blessing. He wants you to know the abundant life of a soul that chases after Him. . . . He just asks us if we will get on the road and trust Him.

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