Monday, February 15, 2010

The Whole World Is In Our Building

There were nearly a hundred International Students from A&M CC at our building on Saturday night celebrating the Lunar New Year with the Vietnamese Students.

I met students from Thailand, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Taiwan, and most were from Vietnam. North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Central Vietnam.

These are students who are from prominent families in their culture (As one student told me when I asked if it was difficult to come to school in America - 'Not if you have lots of money.')
The point is that these are young people from all over the world who will go back to their countries and be the difference makers.

When I asked them if they would be interested in connecting with normal American families - hanging with them and learning more about life in America - they ALL responded enthusiastically 'YES!'

We have an awesome opportunity here to be light. They are familiar with Oso Creek. They want to know more about our culture and economy and families and religion. They are seeking.

Who wants to be sharing? Please reply to this blog or email me if you're interested in being light to these international students.


Aaron and Hollie said...

We're definitely can we adopt some students? Can you connect us with some or is there a contact at A&M that we should go through?

Julie said...

love this. What an opportunity to "Go and make disciples....", but you really don't have to go far.

His glory!