Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finished . . . But Just Beginning!

I just got these pics from Ban Ho of the finished paved area on the school playground!

As you can see there is still plenty of area for us to complete.

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin . . ." Zech 4:10

It's hard for me to describe to you how this represents so much more than pavement on a school yard for students to play on.

It represents a new beginning. It's represents a foundation of change that has the potetnial to rock the world of VN! It's no accident that God's first visible project for us in Vietnam was laying a foundation . . .


Tray said...

and it looks like they are playing kickball, like you coached them to do in the video.

John Bradshaw said...

Yeah, that's funny it does look like they are! Also dreamed of the Olympics, maybe this is my path coaching the VN Olympic Kick Ball Team!!