Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ban Ho Day 2

Finally getting this blog out a little late (wireless here is sketchy, but I'm thankful that we have it!!)

The Day 2 Ban Ho video is up (click here) . . . I tried to give you a little overview of what the Ban Ho community is like.

Because of light rain all day we didn't get any paving project done, but some incredible relational things went on! Erin R. and I spent an hour and a half with their local rural medical clinic 'doctor' (probably more like an LVN in our context). The exchange he and Erin had were awesome and it built for further partnership in the future. (None of this on video as he was reluctant to be photoed 'at work')

We also did a project for them you will see on video of taking pics of all the kids at the middle school for the students 'profiles.' They have no digital camera so they would have to transport the kids an hour a couple at a time on motorbikes to do this.
And this brings up a need that one or a couple of you could care for here in Ban Ho! Buying the school a digital camera. Probably $100-150 and then we could send it to them. Would someone be willing to do that?
It would be great to let them know before we leave that one will be on the way!

About to head out for our third exciting Ban Ho (6:30am here) . . . . so look for another Ban Ho video tomorrow morning.


Nathan Lindell said...

me first, me first! If my wife can fly halfway across the country, give a week and half of her time, then surely I can give a video camera! Tell them it's from Mr. Kim Lindell! (in the name of Jesus, of course!)

Nathan Lindell said...

in fact, on second thought, I have an even better idea! Kim is already there and taking a million pictures....tell her to leave them the camera, they can have it. Just bring the SD card home, and we'll send them a new one later!

Anonymous said...

WE will be happy to send along a picture printer as well! Tell us where and it's done today!
The Lawleys