Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vision 09' Update - Part II

On Mission.

On Mission is expressive of our lives being lived as 'sent' people, and not just 'seated' people in a building.

In Acts 1:8 Jesus said, 'When the Holy Spirit comes you will be filled with My Power. And you will go and live out my story all over the planet. On your street, at your job, in your City and across the world!' [OK, that's my version - if you want you can read the NIV here.]

The point is that we are called to be On Mission EVERYWHERE! That's why I love the word 'Glocal.' It's a combo-expression of Global and Local.

Jesus said: 'Go and make disciples of all nations . . .' (Matt 28)

Being a 'church' is not about a group of paid staff being on the field while the others watch and throw a few bucks into the game. 'Go!' is for all of us!

Just think about the POWER when we ALL discover what it looks like to use our talents and our vocations and our gifts to advance God's Kingdom across the street and across the world!

Being a Kingdom-Agent is a privilege that we all have, everywhere we go.

So, how are we seeking to encourage that and express that as Fellowship of Oso Creek, a unique voice of the Kingdom of God?
Watch for tomorrow's post . . .

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