Monday, April 27, 2009

Vision 09' Update - Part I

At the end of last year, we expressed the Oso Creek vision for 2009 that the leadership had been praying through for months, as two-winged -- DG's and being On-Mission.

And wow, has God ever been moving! And the Glocal Airlines imagery is becoming more real every day!

What I'm going to do this week is write several different posts to update you on all that is happening, because YOU are the vision!

But first in this post I want to connect again these two ideas - DG's and On Mission.

DG's simply stands for Discipleship Groups. Groups of 2 or 3 folks of the same gender reading God's Word together every week, having real accountability, and praying for those around them. Very simple. But vital because our vision for God's Kingdom begins with and revolves around our relationship with the King. Period.

You see the King brings His rule and reign everywhere He goes. And if our lives are going to be truly On Mission we must be continually plugged-in to His presence and power. And if we are, then where we go, the King goes. . .

. . . And where Christ rules, people and places are transformed!

I invite you to pray this with me every day . . . 'Lord, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done - in our lives, in our church, in our City, and in our world - just as it is in heaven!'

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