Thursday, November 5, 2009

Proverbs 4

As I continue going through Proverbs each month, Proverbs 4 has become one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. So much there that connects the heart and soul in following Jesus - the head and heart.

Yesterday verse 7 stopped me:

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.

Though it cost all you have, or whatever else you get

get understanding."

Wisdom in it's fullness is the living out of God's Truth. It costs us all we have because I have to put down my own ways, and seek God's ways, and allow them to seep into every pore of my mind and soul. It's worth everything to seek God because He is life!

Verses 21-22 say of these Truths that contain wisdom:

"Don’t lose sight of them.

Let them penetrate deep into your heart,

for they bring life to those who find them,

and healing to their whole body"

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